3 thoughts on “What if the diamond ring doesn't shine? Is there a way to clean it at home”

  1. Generally, there is no charge for cleaning in the shop where you buy diamond rings. If you charge, you should first buy some necessities for cleaning diamond rings at the same time as buying diamond rings, so as to ensure professional cleaning
    I Fast immersion method - purchase a set of gem cleaning liquid and wash diamonds according to instructions
    II Cold water immersion method: immerse the diamond in the solution for about three minutes with half a cup of domestic amoniac water and the same volume of clean water, then quietly wash the inlaid metal around the diamond ornament with a small brush, and then put it into the solution to wave it quietly. Take it out and wash it dry with paper. There is no need to wash it
    III Detergent bath method: first immerse the diamond in a small plate of warm water mixed with mild detergent, then quietly wash the diamond with a small brush, then put the diamond on the filter screen and wash it with warm water, and finally dry the water with a cloth
    if the dust in the diamond and inlay gap cannot be completely cleaned, use an electric tooth punch to wash away some dust, or use a wooden toothpick to carefully pick out the dirt
    although it is troublesome to clean diamonds, with the home cleaning method taught by experts, the brightness of diamonds can be guaranteed. However, some care needs professional jewelers to stop care and maintenance to see whether the inlaid teeth and feet can still be consolidated. It is reliable and there is no snagging To prevent diamonds from falling, in fact, the most important thing about diamond cleaning is to be careful during the ordinary wearing process, which is the most important

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